The height of qurantine when I started to really appericate the beauty of my childhood home.
A short time in my life during the summer before going into college, when I would naturally wake up at 5am and see the sunrise through my curtains every morning.
My favorite room in my house, when on nice days my dad would open all the windows.
Longcat's favorite hangout spot because of all the natural light.
When I went to North Carolina with Caleb to drop him off for his summer internship :(
My favorite summer tradition when my friends would wake up at 7am and take Maddie's boat to Martha's Vineyard to see if we could make it to the Blackdog for breakfast without it breaking down.
This past Christmas I had covid and Caleb came over to give my mom a gift; this was my view.
My most current view out of my college house, aka the Duplex. It doesn't look so bad when there is a lot of snow on the ground.